Why B5 is better than Star Trek.! 30 reasons so far.!
I came up with these while I watched the Shadow war.. all 73 epi's in almost one go.
1: one word JMS ( i.e. Storyline )
2: Kosh can kick Q's butt in a second (without having to dress up to do it)
3: B5's crew dont need any fancy transporter beams to get around.
(they go there by any means nescecary)
4: G'Kar can kick any klingon's butt (and at least he can read)
5: Kirk went to Chicago, Sheridan went to Z'Ha'Dum (and came back)
6: ST has Tasja Yar (bimbo), B5 has Mr Garibaldi (pure tetosterone)
7: Situation: There's a bunch of hostile alien ships outside.
ST solution:
Please cant we settle this peacefully..??
B5 solution:
Welcome to Babylon5 our guns are now targeting you.
You will find their power quite impressive... for a few seconds anyway.
8: ST has Mr.Chekow (wimp), B5 has Mr.Bester (hardcase)
9: ST has Romulons n' Klingons (Ha Ha), B5 has Shadows (ohhh shit)
10: Picard had Vash, Sheridan have Delenn (no contest)
11: Sheridan dont need any fancy targeting systems.
He's got fusion bombs. (and is not afraid to use them)
12: Garibaldi & Lenier build a Kawazaki Ninja and rode it inside the station.
The most Tasja Yar ever rode was an producer.
13: one word...Tecnomages
14: Riker had Troi. Londo has 3 wives (famine,pestilence and death)
15: Kirk met G*D (a fake), Delenn met Jack the Ripper (very real)
16: Starfury pilots fly standing up. (they die on their feet).
17: Kirk spends more time at the wigmakers than Londo at the hairdresser.
18: Garibaldi would never fall for a hermafrodite (unlike Riker).
19: At least Sheridan is'nt french, like some captains I could mention.
20: DS9 got defensive shields and puny torpedoes,
B5 got gun arrays. (a lot) (and they know how to use them)
21: ST got Troi, B5 got Talia Winters and Lyta Alexander
( I read felings. HA...we read minds u betazoid bimbo )
22: Picard became a borg and helped wipe out starflet cruisers
then became human (well.. french) and got his ship back.!!
Sinclair went back in time became Valen and saved everyone.
25: Sheridan has always been there.
26: ST has phasers with multi/wimpy settings, B5 has PPG's.. 1 setting (trouble)
27: Worf fight holos in the holodeck, Walker Smith fights in the Mutai.
(worf would'nt last 5 sek.)
28: B5 fans dont go around with cramp in their fingers. ;-)
29: Why.? becourse faith manages.
30: Prime Directive....What Prime Directive.!